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Public and product third-party liability insurance

This is the corporate equivalent of term life insurance, and one of the most important insurances for your company. Let us show you the various options available.

There was no intent, but it still happened. As an entrepreneur, you are held liable for all damages caused to third parties by you or your employees in the course of your operational business. The claims of the injured persons may be extremely costly.

There are risks everywhere

Public liability insurance protects you against the financial consequences of claims by third parties for damages caused by you or your employees. Damages may occur through motor vehicles not subject to obligatory third party insurance, errors during the loading and unloading of goods, unequal or discriminatory treatment of job applicants, the exchange of data and many other entirely normal procedures in your operational business. We help you to ensure that you have optimum protection against the consequences.

Passive legal expenses insurance

Public liability insurance includes not only the indemnification of your company against justified claims by third parties for damage compensation payments, but also an assessment of whether these claims are justified. By providing protection against unjustified claims, it also works as a passive legal expenses insurance.

Protection against asset claims

Any company that makes its own products is open to the risk of them causing asset claims which are not sufficiently covered by conventional public liability insurance for corporations. This includes replacement and recall actions, among others. Product liability insurance provides reliable protection in this case.

Please request a consultation without obligation

Your liability risks are as individual as your company itself. Your public liability insurance must therefore be tailored to your individual needs. Please fill in the fields on this form for comprehensive advice.

extended product liabilityinsurance of project workamount of excess

Of course, you are also welcome to call us on +49 5622 995650 if you have any questions on these and other topics.